CTRL + R Menu: Database > Open Reserve Database
The "Reserve" database contains examinations that were not yet assigned to a patient. It is a kind of "lost and found".
If a new examination is received and the patient name coming from the perimeter differs considerably to the true patient name from the medical record, a confirmation question appears, whether the examination data are realy belonging to the patient. If this question is answered with NO, the examination data are stored to the Reserve database. This safety function can be switched on and off in the options (option Check Patient Name).
These examinations can later be stored to the correct patient. Proceed as follows:
1. Click the button "Reserve database"
2. The Reserve database opens in a second window
3. Mark the examinations in the Reserve database list -- copy the examinations (context menu or CTRL-C). They are now in the clipboard
4. Activate the patient's database window with a click
5. Paste the examinations into the database (context menu or CTRL-V)
Note: The name is checked again. Double records are not imported, depending on the options setting.
In case of success, these examinations can be deleted in the Reserve database (strongly recommended!).