PeriData Update-Rollout

If PeriData is ALREADY INSTALLED on a machine, the UPDATE can be reduced to COPYING a bunch of files. Registry actions like the ActiveX (OCX) registration and environmental settings do not need to be repeated.

Method 1: EASY-UPDATE Batchfile

This batch file processes an UPDATE of the PeriData program by COPYING changed files to the program directory and the exchange directory. The batch file is packed into a ZIP archive together with the new files.

The batch file must be executed on the target computer, because it needs the environmental variable "PeriDataProgDir" giving the target directory. It has to be executed with ADMIN privileges.

Download the current ZIP container >>

Method 2: Copy to fixed directories

Implement a copy procedure into your own update routine. The use of fixed directories may cause PROBLEMS if some target computers use a DIFFERENT PROGRAM DIRECTORY for PeriData (standard directory is C:\Program Files\PeriData). Check the environmental variable "PeriDataProgDir" and the existence of the file "%PeriDataProgDir%\periwin.exe" to verify an existing installation.

Procedure: Install PeriData on a fresh computer and copy all files from 2 directories:
C:\Program Files\PeriData\PERIWIN\*.*
C:\Program Files\PeriData\UPDATE\*.*
From the 3rd directory, you should copy only 3 files (the other files could have been configured individually):

Method 3: Setup file with parameters

Implement a call of the setup file with parameters to make the update smooth and silent:
/SILENT no dialogs, only progress bar
/VERYSILENT no display
/NORESTART prevents a restart
/NOREGSERVER no registration of OCX modules (they are already registrated)
